Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Web 5/13/15

Apple Pay is double charging some customers

Apple Pay is the latest and greatest to come out from Apple. Instead of having a wallet you can just use apple pay with all of your credit cards that you choose to load on. However there is one big problem with the system. Many people have reported that they have got charged twice for a purchase. The banks claim it is Apple that has the problem not the bank. Apple has yet to comment on the issue and people now may be hold back on using Apple Pay.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Samsung Gear S review: This smartwatch can fly solo
The Gear S watch is almost like a smartphone. It has all the capabilities that a smartphone has but as a watch. You can use it almost completely as just a phone. You can text and get almost all of your social media. Even if you do not want to use it on your own, If you are going somewhere where you d not want to use your phone, you can use this by itself.